Trump Press Flack Who Resigned Over Jan. 6 Warns ‘Bloodbath’ Remarks Are ‘Marching Orders’ for His Supporters | Video

Sarah Matthews tells MSNBC’s Jen Psaki Trump is deliberately tempting his voter base to “act on” his messaging

On Saturday Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters in Dayton, Ohio, that a loss in the 2024 election would result in a “bloodbath.” His campaign was quick to claim his warning only applied to the US auto industry, but as former Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Matthews, who worked in the Trump administration for 7 months, said, the comment is “a warning call to his supporters he’s telling them kind of marching orders almost.”

Matthews was a guest on “Inside Jen Psaki” Monday night when she was asked about her former boss’ behavior. Psaki and Matthews agreed the comment deserves to be considered carefully—and taken very seriously.


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