Is Netflix’s ‘Damsel’ Based on a Book?

The Netflix film started out as a script

Millie Bobby Brown as Elodie in "Damsel" (Netflix)
Millie Bobby Brown as Elodie in "Damsel" (Netflix)

Millie Bobby Brown’s latest Netflix film “Damsel” presents all the trappings of a classic fantasy story, a fairytale even, but rest assured, while that might draw viewers to the movie, the film delivers a very different kind of story. Brown portrays Elodie, the oldest daughter of Ray Winstone’s Lord Bayford, leader of the famine-stricken Inophe. Lord Bayford strikes a deal with a mysterious woman shrouded in red to marry Elodie off to a wealthy prince in a faraway land.

Elodie doesn’t meet Prince Henry (Nick Robinson) until she, her father, her younger sister, Floria (Brooke Carter), and their stepmother, Lady Bayford (Angela Bassett), have already sailed to the reclusive Aurea, a wealthy kingdom that prospers thanks to fertile lands, plentiful harvests and more.


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