Trump Is ‘Surrounded Entirely by Enablers’ Eager to Diminish Apparent Cognitive Decline, Jonathan Lemire Says

Politico’s White House bureau chief argues recent rally gaffes are just the latest examples

Donald Trump (MSNBC)
"Morning Joe" (Credit: MSNBC)

Analyzing a series of public Donald Trump gaffes while he campaigned in North Carolina and Virginia over the weekend, Politico’s White House bureau chief Jonathan Lemire said Monday that the former president is “surrounded entirely by enablers” who are just “forging forward” through apparent cognitive decline.

“He’s surrounded entirely by enablers during this campaign and would be again if he were to be in the White House for a second time,” Lemire said on Monday’s “Morning Joe.” “There would be no guardrails, there would be no adults in the room, there would just be people doing what he wants.”

The conversation began with cohosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough relentlessly replaying clips of Trump mixing up Barack Obama and Joe Biden, of him stumbling through the pronunciation of “Venezuela,” of him referring to the South American country Argentina as if it were a person and more.


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