Keith Olbermann Calls for Dissolution of SCOTUS: ‘Political Whores on the Court’ Overruled the Constitution for Trump

The former MSNBC host’s comments were in response to the ruling Monday that Trump can remain on state ballots

Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

This morning Keith Olbermann had a lot to say about the Supreme Court’s determination that states cannot remove Donald Trump from their presidential ballots. He told one person on Twitter/X, “If the political whores on the court are overruling quite explicit language in the constitution to benefit one politician, your ‘separation of powers’ died long ago.”

Olbermann kicked things off when he tweeted, “The Supreme Court has betrayed democracy. Its members including Jackson, Kagan and Sotomayor have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension. And collectively the “court” has shown itself to be corrupt and illegitimate. It must be dissolved.”


One response to “Keith Olbermann Calls for Dissolution of SCOTUS: ‘Political Whores on the Court’ Overruled the Constitution for Trump”

  1. Alex Reynard Avatar

    I don’t think you’re focusing enough on the part where Keith says he has pee in his eyes.

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