Travis Kelce Has Big Hollywood Ambitions – Movies, TV and a CAA Team to Match | Exclusive

Industry experts say he’ll be a huge star so long as he doesn’t blow it with Taylor Swift

Travis Kelce and The Rock Hollywood takeover illustration
Travis Kelce aspires to a Rock-like Hollywood takeover (Credit: Getty Images/Chris Smith for TheWrap)

Travis Kelce could have a soaring and lucrative entertainment career — as long as he doesn’t blow his relationship with Taylor Swift, marketing experts say.

In the shadow of his football superstardom, the 34-year-old Chiefs tight end has already set the stage to make his mark in Hollywood. Industry insiders tell TheWrap that Kelce and his team are considering movie roles, developing unscripted shows for the star, exploring comedy opportunities and pursuing product endorsements.

The Wrap has also exclusively learned that a host of top filmmakers — including “White Lotus” producer David Bernad — have been flying to Kansas City during the football season to meet with Kelce about a reality show he hopes to produce and appear in.


7 responses to “Travis Kelce Has Big Hollywood Ambitions – Movies, TV and a CAA Team to Match | Exclusive”

  1. Dan Fisher Avatar
    Dan Fisher

    F that asshole

  2. John Avatar

    Travis and his handlers just need to be acutely aware one of the defects in the “American Culture” and that is the light speed frenzied build-up of celebrity followed rapidly into being characterized as a pariah.  

  3. Jonnatan Avatar

    Yeah, high publicity never did anyone any good!

  4. Aytac Ercen Avatar
    Aytac Ercen

    Where did he developed the skills for THAT trade. I was under the impression he was a football player.
    “He is viewing movie scripts”?LOL. WHY?

  5. Paulie Avatar

    Maybe Travis can find a movie script that has him abusing his coach the week after he picks on a diminutive place-kicker.
    If I were Taylor I would be very afraid of what Mr. Kelce might do when he is told “no”…

  6. Butch hamm Avatar

    Everyone has their good and bad qualities, your average of those are who you are. He’s really a great person for fans and community as a whole. Only problem he really has is the jealous and the haters of this world. When your on top many are trying to drag you down because that’s how lovers operate.

  7. Joe Avatar

    The “grizzly Adam’s” look died decades ago.Travis. Watch Clint Eastwood or Robert Redford movies. Then pick up a guitar and hang out with Rick Springfield. Better still? Go see the Kardashians.

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