3 Digital Media Outlets Sue OpenAI for Copyright Infringement 

Raw Story, AlterNet and The Intercept add to increasing pushback against the technology company’s method of training chatbots

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella (R) greets OpenAI CEO Sam Altman during the OpenAI DevDay event on Nov. 6, 2023, in San Francisco. (Getty Images)

Three digital media outlets — Raw Story, Alternet and The Intercept — filed lawsuits against OpenAI for copyright infringement on Wednesday, adding to industry pushback against the technology company’s method of training chatbots. 

Both lawsuits, one filed by The Intercept and the other filed collectively by Raw Story and Alternet, accuse the artificial intelligence company of using copyrighted works by journalists without proper attribution to train large language models. The suits argue that OpenAI has taken steps to conceal its copyright infringement actions by removing certain information, like the byline or headline of the original article. 

The digital media companies are seeking damages of at least $2,500 per violation, as well as demanding that OpenAI remove all copyrighted material from data training sets. 


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