Inside the Crisis at Google

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Culture war narratives give Google’s organizational coherence a bit too much credit. There’s more to the story.

AI-generated image by Midjourney/Big Technology

It’s not like artificial intelligence caught Sundar Pichai off guard. I remember sitting in the audience in January 2018 when the Google CEO said it was as profound as electricity and fire. His proclamation stunned the San Francisco audience that day, so bullish it still seems a bit absurd, and it underscores how bizarre it is that his AI strategy now appears unmoored.

The latest AI crisis at Google — where its Gemini image and text generation tool produced insane responses, including portraying Nazis as people of color — is now spiraling into the worst moment of Pichai’s tenure. Morale at Google is plummeting, with one employee telling me it’s the worst he’s ever seen.


3 responses to “Inside the Crisis at Google”

  1. Ed_Harley Avatar

    Good I hope google crumbles to dust. It’s good to see sane people are starting to make real strides against all this woke insanity and DEI nonsense.

    1. Mai Ling-List Avatar

      Get Woke, go Broke.

      A lot of hard work, smart work,  by so many great Nerds to be wasted by Wokesters.

      Google AI  trying to Imitate the once great San Francisco, sh#t on their AI   sidewalks.

  2. Andrew Avatar

    My country has little woke crap but intrudes when idle federal bimbos have to fill in 8hr day.

    Don’t slag google the meta dude yes. Google is traded listed company. You need a working intelligencia to avoid maga cretins taking over again.
    Best approach buy shares, attend annual meeting make your case.

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