Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard Are Strangers With an Unknown Past in ‘Memory’ Trailer (Video)

Michel Franco’s awards contender opens in NY and LA in December before going wide in January

A late-in-the-game awards contender, “Memory” dropped its first trailer courtesy of Ketchup Entertainment. Michel Franco’s latest has received mostly strong reviews since its debut at this year’s Venice Film Festival, with TheWrap’s Ben Croll noting that it’s a “bleak drama with a dash of hope.”

Jessica Chastain plays a struggling alcoholic and single mother still coping with past sexual abuse she suffered as a child. Peter Sarsgaard plays a mysterious fellow suffering from early-onset dementia who runs into her at a school reunion and eventually becomes entwined in her life. He claims not to remember what she belives he did to her decades ago, but her work, specifically caring for adults with developmental disabilities, places her in a spot where she is providing care to the person who damaged her life.


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