‘Spaceman’ Review: Adam Sandler’s Sci-Fi Drama Delivers a Destination Worth the Journey

“Chernobyl” director Johan Renck crafts a Netflix film that’s as much of an oddity as it is an odyssey

"Spaceman" (CREDIT: Larry Horricks/Netflix)

Based on the 2017 novel “Spaceman of Bohemia,” director Johan Renck’s “Spaceman” is as much of an oddity as it is an odyssey. Much like any mission, there are moments where you wonder if it is worth it, but you’re ultimately glad you dug deep because, overall, there is enough about the experience that feels rewarding.

The Netflix space drama is as earnest as it is fantastical. To dismiss it as weird would do an injustice to Renck’s creative vision that has many merits; however, it is guilty of taking itself too seriously at times. The film’s sincerity sometimes risks feeling insipid when the intention was probably something more enriching or insightful.


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