‘January 6th’ Review: Discovery+ Documentary Finds Value in First-Hand Accounts of Capitol Assault

Talking head interviews with those who were on the ground prove most eye-opening in this inessential yet valuable document

Broadly speaking, the new Discovery+ documentary “January 6th” is well-timed, premiering just prior to the anniversary of the 2021 riots at the Capitol over the certification of Joe Biden’s election win — and as a new Congress is about to begin a lawmaking session. But upon closer inspection, “January 6th” falls into a more nebulous zone: It arrives a vaguely awkward two years after the incident, which makes it less immediate than the heavily covered first anniversary, while also significantly short of a major milestone.

It’s probably unfair to fault the 150-minute film for marking a two-year anniversary. But the timeline also makes it difficult to figure out the ideal audience for this project.
